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December 5, 2019

At IENF-2019, Pavel Livinskiy, Head of Rosseti, proposed several areas of cooperation and exchange of experience to global energy companies

During the discussion held as part of a round table on the business climate in Russia, Pavel Livinskiy, Rosseti's General Director, spoke about promising business areas that global energy companies can join.

The No.1 is the development of smart metering, in particular, the localization of the production of metering devices in the Russian Federation. The current demand is about 22 million devices to be installed, which will provide an understandable and guaranteed market. This makes the participation of foreign energy companies appropriate. Another vector highlighted by the head of Rosseti is the joint production of electric charging stations (ECS) and the development of the corresponding infrastructure. 

Rosseti is the world's largest electric grid company, which is interested in expanding international cooperation. Today, the development strategy of the energy industry is based on the principles of introducing innovative technologies, so there are many points of interaction between us and our colleagues. We can be useful to each other in the field of joint development and implementation of digital technologies, in cooperation in the field of design and modernization of energy systems, the introduction of smart distribution network management systems. Exchanging the experience in the field of operating electricity metering systems is of critical importance. In a number of areas, our interaction is already being converted into practice. For example, together with Enel and EDF, we are working on the issue of localizing the production of smart metering devices in Russia. Together with Siemens, Rosseti is implementing a project to create a digital district of distribution networks in the Leningrad Region,” Pavel Livinskiy said. 

In his speech at the round table, Yuri Manevich, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, outlined four principles that are key for the industry: reliability, availabilityof energy infrastructure, economically sound tariffs, and improvement of investment attractiveness both for Russian and international investors.

“We will implement these principles through the introduction of changes and initiatives in the regulatory framework of Russian legislation. At the moment, the parliamentarians are considering projects to introduce fees for the power reserve, cancel the preferential technical connection, create the necessary conditions for transparent and long-term tariff formation,” the speaker said.

Representatives of foreign energy companies shared their headaches in the development of the electric power industry and the prospects for their treatment. For example, top managers of the Cuban energy company noted the importance of partnership relations with Rosseti. 

“90% of power lines in Cuba operate on technologies that have been being used since the era of socialism. Therefore, restoring and updating these lines is critical for us. We will solve this problem within the framework of the memorandum signed with Rosseti at the International Electric Networks Forum. The support of the Russian company is of great importance in general for the development of the electric power system in Cuba,” said Jorge Armando Sepero Hernandez, Director General of Union Electrica. 

“Our memorandum with Rosseti includes several important points, such as the expansion of medium-voltage networks in the country and the introduction of a staff training system. The experience and best practices of Rosseti will allow us to meet the requirements of our customers, increase the reliability of electricity supply to the population, reduce losses and keep electricity tariffs at a minimum,” added Rafael Ernesto Lage Perez, CEO of Energoimport.

Osamu Motojima, Advisor to the Rector of Chubu University (Japan), spoke on the importance of staff training and the exchange of international scientific experience and practices.

“I want to specially mention the constructive dialogue and effective cooperation with Rosseti within the framework of the joint Agreement that was concluded a year ago. I mean scientific consultations and the exchange of experience on the transfer of electric energy based on high-temperature superconductivity. We have established active cooperation with representatives of the Russian scientific community and with the Russian energy sector. Today, they conduct practical tests and begin to actively introduce the latest technologies,” he said.




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