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November 10, 2010

The message about Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Open Joint-Stock Company «Uralsvyazinform»

Open Joint-Stock company "Uralsvyazinform" (further also called "Company"), located: Russia, 620014, Yekaterinburg, Moscow St., 11 informs on Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of OJSC "Uralsvyazinform" in the form of joint presence of shareholders for considering discussion questions of the agenda of Extraordinary General Meeting and decision-making on the questions put on voting.

Date of carrying out of Extraordinary General Meeting – January, 21st, 2011.

Time of the beginning of carrying out of Extraordinary General Meeting – 11.00 (Moscow time).

Time of the beginning of registration of the persons participating in Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders – 9.00 (Moscow time) January 21st, 2011.

Place of carrying out of Extraordinary General Meeting and registration of the persons participating in meeting: 119121, Moscow, Smolensk str, 5 (hotel «Zolotoe Koltso», 3rd floor).

The list of the persons having the right to participate in Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders, is made according to the register of shareholders of the Company as of October, 28th, 2010.

OJSC "Uralsvyazinform" Board of Directors has approved the following agenda of meeting:

1. The preterm termination of powers of members of Board of Directors of OJSC "Uralsvyazinform".

2. The election of members of Board of Directors of OJSC "Uralsvyazinform".

Concerning the agenda of Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders – owners of ordinary actions of the Company have a vote.

According to requirements of article 53 of the Federal law «On joint-stock companies», the Charter of OJSC "Uralsvyazinform", the Order of carrying out of General Meeting of shareholders of OJSC "Uralsvyazinform", the shareholders (shareholder) of the Company who are in aggregate owners not less than 2 percent of voting actions of the Company for date of entering of the offer on promotion, have the right to offer candidates for election in OJSC "Uralsvyazinform" Board of Directors on Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders. Such offers should arrive in the Company till December, 21st, 2010 inclusive.

Offers on promotion of candidates for the Board of Directors of the Company selected Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders, can be brought by:

- Directions a mail service to the address: 620014, Ekaterinburg, street Moscow, 11;

- Confirmed deliveries to the person who is carrying out functions of an individual executive office of the Company, the Chairman of Board of Directors of the Company, the corporate secretary of the Company;

- Directions by means of a fax communication.

Offers on promotion of candidates for Company Board of Directors should be submitted in writing with instructions of a name (name) of the shareholders (shareholder) who have presented them, quantity and a category (type) of actions belonging to them and should be signed shareholders (shareholder).

Offers on promotion of candidates for Board of Directors should contain:

- Surname, name, patronymic of each offered candidate;

- Data of the document proving the identity (a series and (or) document number, date and a place of its delivery, the body which has given out the document);

- The name of the structure to be elected to;

- Date of birth of the candidate;

- Data on education of the candidate;

- The post address of the candidate to which the correspondence can be directed.

The written approval of the candidate to election can be applied on the offer on promotion of candidates in Company Board of Directors.

In a case if the offer on promotion of candidates for Company Board of Directors is signed by the representative of the shareholder, to such offer (the copy of the power of attorney testified when due hereunder), containing data about represented and the representative which according to the Federal law «On joint-stock companies» should contain in the power of attorney on the voting, issued according to requirements of the Federal law «On joint-stock companies» the power of attorney should be applied on registration of the power of attorney on voting.

In a case if the offer on promotion of candidates for the Board of Directors of the Company selected Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders, is signed by the shareholder (its representative), the rights to which actions are considered under the depot account in depository, the extract should be applied on such offer from the account of depot of the shareholder in depository, carrying out the account of the rights to the specified actions.

With the information (materials) which are subject to granting by preparation of carrying out of extraordinary general meeting of shareholders, it is possible to learn from December, 30th, till January, 21st, 2011 working days from 8.30 till to addresses: 620014, Yekaterinburg, Moscow str., 11; 620110, Yekaterinburg, Lunacharsky's street, 134á; 640000, Kurgan, Gogol's street, 44; 614096, Perm, Lenin's street, 68; 625000, Tyumen, Republic street, 40, a building 1; 454000, Chelyabinsk, Kirov str, 161; 628011, Khanty-Mansiysk, Komintern street, 3; 629008, Salekhard, Matrosova str, 2; 109004, Moscow, Nikolojamsky str, 48/2, and also on the Company website www.ir.u-tel.ru

At an appearance on Extraordinary General Meeting shareholders should have the document proving the identity, bulletins for voting. The shareholder having the right to participation in Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders, can direct the representative for participation in meeting. Powers of representatives of shareholders – physical persons should be confirmed by the power of attorney assured notarially or a different way established by the Civil code of the Russian Federation. Powers of representatives of shareholders – legal bodies should be confirmed by the power of attorney assured notarially or a different way established by the Civil code of the Russian Federation, or the document confirming the rights of the representative to operate without the power of attorney on behalf of the legal person – the shareholder.

The shareholder (the plenipotentiary of the shareholder) has the right to take part in voting by questions of the agenda of Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders by a direction of the filled bulletins for voting by post addresses: 620014, Yekaterinburg, Moscow St., 11; 109004, Moscow, Nikolojamsky St., 48/2. It is desirable to direct the filled bulletins the certified mail.

The votes presented by bulletins for voting, directed to the Company, are considered at definition of quorum and summarising of voting under condition of reception by their Company not later than two days before date of carrying out of meeting, i.e. not later than January 18th, 2011 inclusive.

If voting is carried out by proxy by a direction of the bulletin for voting to the Company, it is necessary to put the power of attorney on which basis the representative operates to the bulletin, or it properly certified copy, or the document confirming the rights of the representative to operate without the power of attorney on behalf of the shareholder – the legal person.

Phones for inquiries: (343) 379-12-17, (343) 379-18-61, (343) 376-20-42.

OJSC "Uralsvyazinform" Board of Directors.




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