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Rosseti North-West

July 9, 2013

According to preliminary data, IDGC of the North-West CAPEX amount in H1 2013 made 1,748.452 mln RUB, less VAT

Planned targets were over-fulfilled due to performance of works related to technological consumer connections.
According to preliminary data, IDGC of the North-West total CAPEX amount in H1 2013 made 1,748.452 mln RUB, less VAT which is equal to 119% of the planned performance.
Following the outcome of H1 2013, IDGC of the North-west plans to commission 82.40 MVA of transformer capacities and 660.27 km of transmission lines which is equal to 319% and 232% of the plan accordingly. Planned targets were over-fulfilled due to performance of works related to technological consumer connections.
Virtually, the whole of the amount of capacities commissioned in H1 2013 falls to the share of distribution grids and is represented mainly by short sections of 0.4-10 kV transmission lines and low power 6-10/0.4 kV transformer substations. The expected amount of fixed assets commissioning is 1,485.278 mln RUB which will make 178% of the half year plan.
Among the most significant facilities commissioned by IDGC of the North-West in H1 are the-10 kV overhead lines leading to Spas-Kamenny Island in the Ust-Kubinsky District (Vologda Region). The works were initiated by the regional government to provide for power supply of the Spaso-Kamenny memorial monastery, an architectural monument dated from the 16th century that is included in the UNESCO registers.
Vologdaenergo branch delivered the facility in April 2013. The transmission line route stretches across the hardly accessible location of the Kubena River estuary, four times crossing water barriers; that is why the cable line is laid not only along the bank but alto across the bottom of Lake Kubenskoye.
The new 10 kV line has been constructed as per 35 kV overhead lines dimensions. 45 reinforced concrete poles have been installed, equipped with polymer insulators and self-bearing insulated wires with a cable insert. The grids total extension is 7.753 km. Additionally, a 400/10/0.4 package transformer substation was installed on the facility equipped with160 kVA transformers.
The amount of fixed assets commissioning was 21.171 mln RUB, in physical terms – 7.753 km and 0.16 MVA.
In June 2013, for purposes of technological connection of the “Intinskaya” mine water discharge complex, Komienergo branch completed works for technical re-equipment of Cell No 18 of “Vostochnaya” 35/6 kV substation 6 kV indoor switchgears. The amount of fixed assets commissioned made 10.737 mln RUB.
The final outcome of the investment program execution in H1 will be summed up after August 5, 2013. 




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