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Unified Energy System

October 20, 2004

Council for Coordination of Work to Ensure Systemic Reliability of the Unified Energy System of Russia approves the Reliability Concept for Electric Power Industry

Moscow. 20 October 2004. At its regular meeting, the Council for Coordination of Work to Ensure Systemic Reliability of the Unified Energy System of Russia considered and approved the Concept for Ensuring Reliability in the Electric Power Industry presented by Vladimir Dorofeyev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of OAO "UES FGC".

This Concept is to become the basis for the development of legal, economic and standard technological regulations aimed at ensuring reliable power in the course of the reform of the electricity industry in Russia. The Concept takes into account the fundamental research in the area of reliability of the electricity industry, and the extensive experience in ensuring reliable operation of the UES of Russia.

According to the Concept, reliability depends on a combination of mandatory requirements (standards) and economic mechanisms. The key mechanisms are the reciprocal responsibility of electricity suppliers and consumers, as well as all participants of the electricity market, differentiation of electricity tariffs depending on the level of reliability, existence of a systemic services market, and insurance of losses caused by abnormal conditions. The Concept focuses on the need to ensure reliable electricity supply to meet the future demand. The regulatory framework for ensuring reliability in the electricity industry comprises the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On Electric Power Industry."


* The Council for Coordination of Work to Ensure Systemic Reliability of the Unified Energy System of Russia was created in October 2003 pursuant to the Order of the Chairman of the Management Board of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais. Among the Council participants are CEOs of energy companies and Heads of divisions of RAO "UES of Russia", officials from the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia, and the Federal Tariff Service of Russia, representatives from NP "Administrator of the Trading System", OAO "UES FGC", OAO "UES SO-CDA", "Rosenergoatom", OAO "Irkutskenergo", OAO "Tatenergo", etc.

The Council is a standing coordinating and consultative body. Its mission is to coordinate activities in the electricity sector aimed at working out a Concept for the re-equipment and modernization of energy facilities, strengthening and developing the UES of Russia and the technological infrastructure needed for the management of the UES and the wholesale electricity market, and organizing and launching a market for additional system-related services.




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