Mr. Chaikowsky met with Anatoly Kruchinin, Severstal's general director. They have discussed further cooperation of US firms with Severstal, the largest company in the region and city with the highest sales volume with the US in the entire Vologda region.
William Chaikowsky, recently appointed to this position, is interested in Severstal for it's the largest exporter of rolled steel to the US of all Russian steel mills. It is also very active in formulating the conditions and creating the environment conducive to keeping the American market. In 2002, Severstal shipped 346,000 tonnes of steel to the US. Other common points with the US include the use of NARCO and MINTEQ materials for lining of converters. In 2002, shipments of these items amounted to over 4,500 tonnes, totaling almost US $10 million.
Alongside, over the last 2 years Severstal had a joint project with ESM III, involved in design and sales of steel making equipment. In 2000, Severstal signed a contract with ESM-III for engineering jobs and equipment for desulfurization of cast iron, which has been built in the converter shop of Severstal. The contract is worth US $4,146,000. By now, it is 80% fulfilled in terms of costs involved. In 2003, this American company will conduct mounting, assembly and start-up jobs at the unit and prepare it for launch.