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October 14, 2004

"In 2006, our mine will become the largest in the world" says Vladimir Shanin, Director of the Fourth Ore Administration of OAO Uralkali

Uralkali has launched the program of the development of Berezniki Potassium Ore Administration (BKRU) No. 4. This is connected with the strategic plans of the Company: by 2008 it plans to increase production of potassium chloride almost by two times - to 8 million tons a year.

The program assigns top priority to upgrading of the underground complex of the ore administration. In April 2004, the tests of a self-propelled 30-ton wagon and a 20-ton bunker-reloader began here. This is the equipment of the new generation: its load-carrying capacity is twice as large as that of the old equipment. In the nearest future, after completion of the tests BKRU-4 will receive another 3 self-propelled wagons and 3 bunker-reloaders.

The mine is changing over to Ural-20R modern cutter-loaders operating on 1140 volts. This will make it possible to utilize the power of the cutter-loader motor to the full.

The upgrading as well as the new system of awarding bonuses to the best teams allowed the mine to increase the production volumes. Over nine months of 2004 six million tons of ore have been produced, up 1.4 million tons compared to the same period of 2003. By the year's end the mine plans to reach the 8-million target and in 2005 to increase the production to 9 million tons.

"The mine field of BKRU-4 will be constantly widened," says Vladimir Shanin, Director of the Ore Administration. "We will develop new areas, increase the number of cutter-loader complexes and teams, create new jobs and, already in 2006, will become the world's largest mine. By the year 2010 it will be able to produce up to 14.5 million tons of ore a year."

Significant changes are also taking place at the halurgite factory of BKRU-4. In 2004 - 2005, 143 million rubles will be invested in its development and by the end of 2004 the factory will, for the first time, exceed its design capacity of 1,050,000 tons of potassium chloride a year. The factory plans provide for expansion of the centrifuge department and reconstruction of the drying department. In 2005, the factory will launch two highly important projects: construction of the second phase and building of the granulation department with a capacity of 750 thousand tons. All this will enable the factory to reach even higher production targets.

"Preliminary tests and calculations show that we have opted for the correct path of development and our ambitious plans are quite realistic. Therefore, the workers of the ore administration are sure of themselves," says Vladimir Shanin.




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