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December 25, 2001

In 2001, AO MOSENERGO conducted more than 20 raids to counteract cable theft

The local police-with the help of AO MOSENERGO-conducted two raids a month during the year. From January 1, 2001, to December 1, 2001, there were 171 thefts of nonferrous metals at various AO MOSENERGO facilities. The damage amounted to 13.5 million rubles.

According to Aleksei Trufanov, head of the security department of AO MOSENERGO, analysis of the situation makes it possible to conclude that all thefts were organized. They took place in the same districts and were likely committed by local perpetrators. For criminal gangs operating in some districts of the Moscow region the theft and sale of nonferrous metals has become a way of life.

From December 5 to December 17, 2001, the security department of AO MOSENERGO, jointly with the police force from Barybino (Domodedovo district, Moscow region) organized and conducted operations to detain individuals who presumably took part in the theft of 19 pole passages from feeder 2 PS-491 of Podolsk Grids near Kupchinino (Domodedovo district). As a result of this operation, three residents of the Usady Township were caught red-handed. The police confiscated 150 meters of cable as well as the instruments used for stealing the cable. All those arrested confessed their guilt at the Barybino police station in the course of the criminal investigation.

In December 2001, based on the information from AO MOSENERGO security department, the Moscow region police uncovered five sites used by front men to store nonferrous metals obtained by stealing the specialty equipment from AO MOSENERGO facilities. During the inspection of the metal utilization point at Sergiev Posad (Moskovsloye Shosse, 19), the police arrested a resident of the Vladimir region who was trying to sell 176 kilograms of electric cable. Based on this incident, the Sergiev Posad police launched a criminal investigation into the case.

While checking the metal utilization point at Grabari Township of Sergiev Posad district, the police found 500 kg of nonferrous metals - parts of disassembled industrial electric equipment. As a result of the raid, the police found violations at three metal utilization points. One point was closed and documents for revoking the licenses of the other two points were prepared.
On the nights of December 18-19, 2001, operatives from the securities department of AO MOSENERGO set up an ambush at a likely theft location (a substation of October Electric Grids, at Kronshtadtskii boulevard, 35). At 2 AM, the operatives arrested three men. Later they were transferred to the local police station OVD “Golovinskii” so that a criminal investigation could be launched.

In 2002 the security department of the company plans to even more actively pursue the operations aimed at preventing and eliminating thefts at AO MOSENERGO facilities, Trufanov said. However, the lack of proper legal framework for exporting nonferrous metals undoubtedly creates propitious conditions for criminal activities, and so far the thefts at energy facilities remain a serious problem for electric utilities.




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