PJSC MGTS finalized the current year's nine-month period with a net profit of RUR 1.6 billion (as against RUR 986 million of the same time-frame of the last year), which is 64% higher than the same indicator of the respective last-year months. The Company's revenues made up RUR 9 337 million (as against RUR 7 482 million of the same period of the last year), thereby exceeding by 24% the same nine months' indicator of 2002.
Over the nine months elapsed, the PJSC MGTS assets have increased by 6.3%.
The growth of proceeds in the third quarter of 2003 originated from the increase of the revenues from telecommunications services, resulting, in its turn, from the Company's residential subscriber and sate-financed entities monthly tariffs raise from 126 up to 140 rubles.
On the whole, the PJSC MGTS financial and economic activity results were within the expected income enhancement brackets, retaining the growth dynamics stipulated in the corporate approved business plan.