Last year, AO MOSENERGO supplied 72.5 mln GCal of heat. This is by 1% less than in 2001. Lower heat discharge was caused by softer weather conditions. Last year, the average air temperature was +6.2?C, while in 2001, it amounted to +5.9?C. In 2002, AO MOSENERGO's fuel expense was 167 kg/GCal, 0.2 kg/GCal less than last year. Almost all power stations managed to save fuel, in total – 107,000 tons of equivalent fuel. As a result of special measures which were taken by AO MOSENERGO in 2002, the company managed to save 18.6 tons of equivalent fuel.
In 2003, AO MOSENERGO plans to supply 72.8 mln GCal of heat (if the average air temperature reaches +5.8?C). As compared to last year, the increase will amount to 0.4%. The company will continue measures aimed at fuel saving.