The current worldwide consumption of halobutyl rubber (HBR) exceeds twice the consumption of regular butyl rubber. HBR due to its extra activity and tightness is used to produce tubeless tyres, the worldwide volume of which is growing from year to year. Hence, it is very important for NKNK to set up its own multi-purpose production of HBR. At present, there is going on planned designing of a future production facility, and design documentation is being issued by the General Designer - "Giprokauchuk".
The process to produce chloro- and bromobutyl rubber at NKNK has been first proved at the pilot unit, purchased in Yaroslavl', which was installed at the Research & Development Centre. That unit has been arranged for a small output of HBR. The unit as a whole is intended to finalize a technological process so that to avoid errors in designing and construction of a large-capacity plant.
At the same time, measures are being taken to import equipment, in particular, a Contract has been signed with a German Company "Bornemann" to buy pumps and with a Swiss Company "Welding Engineers" to buy finishing machines. Civil and erection work at the new site shall be completed in December 2002, and marketable HBR will be produced as early as the first half year 2003.
Press Service NKNK Inc.