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May 20, 2004

Board of Directors approves agenda of 2003 Annual General Meeting and dividend

On May 20, 2004 Uralsvyazinform’s Board of Directors validated the agenda of AGM to be held on June 25, 2004 in Ekaterinburg.
The Meeting will consider the following questions:

1. Approval of the Annual report, Annual Accounting Statements, including Profit and Lost Statement, Distribution of Profit and Losses in the reporting fiscal year (2003);
2. Dividend payment for 2003, the amount, form and terms of payment for each type of shares;
3. Members of the Board of Directors election;
4. Introducing amendments and supplements to the Charter;
5. Introducing amendments and supplements to the Procedure of Annual General Meeting;
6. Introducing amendments and supplements to the Board of Directors Regulation;
7. Introducing amendments and supplements to the Managing Board Regulation;
8. Introducing amendments and supplements to the Audit Commission Regulation;
9. Election of the Audit Commission;
10. Approval of the company’s Auditor for 2004;
11. Determination of the amount of remunerations of the Board of Directors’ members.

The Board also considered the Auditor’s opinion (the company’s IAS and RAS financial statements are audited by Ernst and Young Vneshaudit ZAO) as well as Audit Commission’s opinion regarding the annual accounting statements of the company. The Board has provisionally approved the annual report and annual accounting, including profit and loss statement and profit distribution as of 2003, and recommended them for approval at the Annual General Meeting.
The amount of 2003 dividend recommended by the Board of Directors is RUR0.01 per 1 common share, and RUR0.01848 per 1 preferred share. The total amount of dividend payment would amount to 25.2% of net profit of the company as of 2003. The recommended form of dividend payment is cash. The terms of payment are recommended as follows:

  • Until August 24, 2004 for preferred shares
  • Until December 15, 2004 for common shares

    The information subject to disclosure to shareholders under preparation for Annual General Meeting may be reviewed at company offices (Perm and Ekaterinburg), regional offices and branches, as well as at corporate web-site at www.uralsviazinform.com



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