A regular meeting of the Gazprom Board of Directors will take place on October 28, at 3:00pm Moscow time. The meeting agenda is to include the following items:
- On provision of independent gas producers with non-discriminatory access to the Unified Gas Supply System capacities;
- On the progress achieved in developing the General Scheme for the Russian gas industry development up to 2030, taking into account the adoption of the development strategies for the Russian Federation industries and the General Scheme for power energy facilities deployment until 2020, approved by the Russian Federation Government;
- On the status of calculations and the prospects for cooperation between Gazprom and the business enterprises of Belarus and Ukraine in the gas area;
- On the status and the ways of improving the internal audit system of Gazprom;
- On Gazprom’s readiness for the period of peak loads during the end of 2008 and early 2009, and the measures required to provide uninterrupted gas supplies to Russian consumers over the winter period in the long-term perspective;
- On the cost management and optimization of Gazprom;
- On the principles of the corporate pricing system.