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Rosseti North-West

April 21, 2011

More than 800 cases of outages in the zone of responsibility of “IDGC North-West” during the period of preparation to the autumn- winter period 2010/2011, were caused by falling trees on wires. Damage of power facilities due to natural disaster remains the main cause of interruption of power supply of consumers

On April 21, took place All-Russia meeting with the heads of energy companies and committees, responsible for the security of power supply in the Russian Federation, which traditionally holds the Russian Ministry of Energy.
On April 21, took place All-Russia meeting with the heads of energy companies and committees, responsible for  the security of power supply in the Russian Federation, which traditionally holds the Russian Ministry of Energy.

The main theme, which was discussed – “Results of the autumn-winter period 2010 - 2011 years and the tasks for preparing for the autumn-winter period 2011 - 2012 years”. General director of “IDGC North-West” Alexander Kuhmay took part in the event. .Report of “IDGC North-West” provided to “Holding IDGC” and Ministry of Energy, confirmed the high quality of company’s preparation to the autumn- winter period 2010/2011.

According to the results of 1 quarter 2011, plan of repair program in the whole “IDGC North-West” is made at 101 percent. Totally, it was spent 171.3 million rubles. Was implemented the repair of 952.4 km of air power lines, 693.1 hectares of lines of all voltage classes have been cleared , were repaired 197 substations 6-20/0, 4 kV.

However, the autumn-winter period 2010-2011 in the North-West region was characterized by difficult weather conditions: abnormally low temperatures, storm-force winds.

During the autumn-winter period in the zone of responsibility IDGC North-West was recorded 2,6 thousand technological failures. Only in one case, interruption of power supply was due to human factor.

The most common reason for the disconnection of customers - damage of power facilities due to natural disaster. 872 cases of damage were caused by the fallen trees.

Stable passage of autumn-winter period in a branch of “IDGC North-West” "Vologdaenergo” ensured the implementation of preparatory work with the over-fulfillment of the plan. Despite the fact that due to bad weather conditions, the number of failures , compared to last year, increased from 255 to 310 cases, with the shortage of electricity has declined from 43.2 thousand to 39.6 thousand kWh . Dynamics of the works performed for clearing of transmission lines has been steadily growing: from 1911,5 hectares in 2009 to 2424.2 hectares in the past year. In January, four operational maintenance crews "Vologdaenergo” assisted in rebuilding the power grid complex in Moscow region after the freezing rain.

Total cost of repair program of “Karelenergo” will amount to 158.8 million. The main reason for the growth of technological failures during the autumn-winter period (compared with the corresponding period last year their number increased from 145 to 343) - the natural disasters.

Difficult weather conditions led to a considerable increase of the number of failures in “Kolenergo”. From November 2010 to March 2011 were recorded 46 cases (one year ago - 28). In winter 2010-2011, "Komienergo” worked in the emergency mode 119 times (three times more frequently than in the previous period). Despite the difficult weather conditions, the number of incidents compared to the previous reporting period decreased by 7 percent. , From 155 cases to 144. All the electricity outages were short and quickly eliminated by the employees of “Komienergo”.

For 40 percent reduced the number of outages in the networks of 110 kV - with 18 cases in last winter to 11 - this year. For 4 incidents less was recorded in the networks 6-10 kV. Shortage of electricity to customers decreased by 40 percent and amounted to 59 thousand kWh.

Stable decline of the number of incidents in “Komienergo” is observed over the last four years. This is the result of a complex of preventive measures aimed at improving of reliability and quality of electricity supply to consumers. In particular, the reconstruction of air lines used self-supporting insulated wire, glass insulators are replaced by polymer.

In “Novgorodenergo” the number of technological failures was decreased in two times - from 253 to 103 cases. Although, the impact of climate phenomena (wind, ice), continues to be one of the factors that significantly reduces the reliability of electrical networks.

The main reason for technological violations continues to be fallen trees. Compared with previous year, this index in “Novgorodenergo” increased from 55 to 65 percents. .But at the same time, the average duration of interruption of power supply decreased and amounted to 6.39 hours per failure, against the same period in 2008/2009 - 8,5 hours.

“Novgorodenergo” stakes on fast elimination of technological failures by repair teams. This is achieved by creating and perfecting the system of training of emergency teams. In particular the staff is preparing to work in winter conditions. In December-January 2011, four maintenance crews of “Novgorodenergo” participated in the recovery operation at power facilities of “MOESK”.  In "Pskovenergo" the main reasons for emergency situations have became damage of elements of overhead transmission lines by natural phenomena and the fall of trees under the weight of snow from outside rides. Especially vulnerable were the lines with a high level of physical depreciation.

The majority of failures in «Pskovenergo" was recorded in the networks 6-35 kV (in 604 cases out of 616). The share of lines with a voltage of 110 kV was 12 technical failures.

Among other reasons of failures, specialists call an emergency condition of lines on wooden poles, which were taken on the balance of “IDGC North-West” from consumers and low reliability of existing power schemes.

Repair Program of “IDGC North-West” in 2011 will exceed 1.5 billion rubles.




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