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September 24, 2004

50 years of Aeroflot and Air France cooperation

Aeroflot and Air France celebrated 50th anniversary of signing first French-Soviet Agreement on Air Communication. This was the start of regular flights between Moscow and Paris. The round-table discussion with veterans of two national airline companies was devoted to this event. At the press-conference Aeroflot-Russian Airlines Director General Valery Okulov and Air France President Jean-Cyril Spinetta highly appreciated longstanding partnership of the airline companies.

Valery Okulov noted: “We achieved much in our relations with Air France during these years, and our cooperation recently has obtained a new progressive character. Air communication between Moscow and Paris is made today by our companies with the frequency of suburban trains. But it’s not the most important thing! We keep step with rates of Russian-French cooperation and even pass ahead of it, contribute significantly to the communication of our great nations.

The future of air carriages is in growing international cooperation, global alliances development; and Aeroflot is getting ready for joining Sky Team at its full capacity. This makes additional potential of interrelations of Aeroflot and Air France, produces positive effect on both companies development and is aimed at providing comfort and safe flights for our passengers.”

Jean-Cyril Spinetta reminded that “Sky Team announced signing the protocol of the agreement with Aeroflot in May of the last year; it’s the first step on the Russian company’s way to joining the alliance”. He added: “Aeroflot joining Sky Team Alliance opens for our passengers new destinations in Russia and abroad it. This means a new stage in our history.”

Aeroflot–Russian Airlines (RTS: AFLT) is the largest Russian Company. The state owns 51 per cent of its stocks. It was established in 1923. It controls 11 per cent of home and 39 per cent of international market of air carriages of Russia. According to RAP net income amounted to 3 978 million rubles in 2003. In 2003 Aeroflot transported 5.9 million passengers. There are 92 airliners in its fleet. Its headquarter is located in Moscow in Sheremetyevo Airport. It is going to build its own terminal Sheremetyevo–3 by 2007. Apply for detailed information about the airline company on its web–sites www.aeroflot.ru, www.aeroflotbonus.ru.

Air France makes flights to 189 destinations of 84 countries. In 2003-2004 the company transported 43.7 million passengers and its annual sales volume amounted to 12.53 billion Euros. Its air fleet consists of 357 planes including 117 ones making regional flights. Air France make 1800 daily flights.

Public Relations Department



June, 1954 - the First French-Soviet Agreement on Air Communication was signed.

August 1, 1954-  Aeroflot (Il-14 plane) and Air France (DÑ 3 plane)stated flights on the route Moscow-Paris with a stop in Prague.

Summer, 1954  -  Air France representative offices were opened in Moscow, Metropol Hotel, Aeroflot representative offices appeared in Prague, Kleber Avenue.

June 26, 1958 -  new French-Soviet Agreement on Air Communication was signed; it provided opportunities for direct flights between capitals of two countries.

August 3, 1958-  Air France and Aeroflot made a contract on operating the direct line Moscow-Paris with the flight frequency of 2 flights a week by each company.

Air France launched piston 4-engined airplanes Lockheed Super Constellation, Aeroflot –piston 2-engined airplanes Tu-104.

April, 1960 - Air France starts Paris-Moscow routes by Caravelle panes.

February, 1966- Aeroflot and Air France signed an agreement on joint operation of freight line Moscow-Paris by An-12.

October 14, 1967 - Aeroflot started operating new jet aircraft Il-62 on the route Moscow-Paris-Moscow.

1968 - in summer 1968 Air France chartered Aeroflot’s Il-62 for two weekly flights.

April, 1970 – official start of Aeroflot, Air France and JAL flights to Japan from Europe Paris-Moscow-Tokyo on Trans-Siberian route. Unlike the polar route this one cuts the route by 3100 km and reduces its time by 4 hours 15 minutes.

March, 1978 - French-Soviet agreement was signed; it provided improvement of servicing carriages for the route Paris-Moscow and the start of Kiev-Paris line in Aeroflot and Air France joint operation by Tu-154 of Aeroflot 1 flight a week.

April 1, 1982 - global agreement of Air France and Aeroflot was signed; it provided rapid development of communication between the USSR and France as well as with third countries using wide-body planes in this directions.

September 5, 1997 - Air France and Aeroflot signed an agreement that made the basis for wide cooperation in different spheres: passenger and freight carriages, technical maintenance of planes and others.

March 21, 2000 - Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Air France President, and Valery Okulov, Aeroflot Director General, made a decision to expand the companies’ cooperation in commercial, technical and organizational spheres.

Aeroflot showed its interest to Sky Team Global Alliance and was going to make some actions to get ready for joining it.

July 23, 2002 - Aeroflot and Air France signed bilateral Code-Sharing Agreement for the route Paris-Moscow.

October 1, 2002 - according to Code-Sharing Agreement both airline companies started six joint daily flights between Paris (Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport) and Moscow (Sheremetyevo Airport) instead of three daily flights made earlier by each company separately. Both airline companies have special seat quota on each of six joint flights. Today they make seven daily flights.

August 2, 2004 - Code-Sharing Agreement for Aeroflot flights Moscow-Nice.

May 24, 2004. - Memorandum on “Mutual Understanding” between Sky Team and Aeroflot was signed in Moscow. This paper was the first step on the way to Aeroflot joining Sky Team Global Alliance that was to take place in 2005 and to increase significantly the commercial presence of the Russian company and its partners on all the international markets.

Today there are 49 flights of joint operation a week: 21 Aeroflot flights, 28 Air France flights. In 2003 both airline companies carried between Moscow and Paris about half a million passengers and 3 thousand tons of freight. During the last five years a number of passengers increased by 54%, a number of regular flights grew by 31%.

© 2001 Aeroflot - Russian Airlines




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